Bionic Wigs
Please understand lace wigs are not bionic. Let me explain! When people take a stroll through our lovely photo gallery please understand it took the work of human hands to accomplish that flawless look. Furthermore, unless otherwise stated they are glued down and set for at least 24hours. When our clients order custom wigs that are glueless please DO NOT expect that glued down flawless look.
Clients are under the impression that gluing the wig down would cause them to loose their edges. FALSE! Not gluing the unit down could cause more damage. The reason it would cause more damage is due to the fact that the loose wig is rubbing their edges out. Example, the bald spot on the back of a infants head from their heads rubbing against whatever it is that they are laying on. An improper installation with glue will cause damage to the hairline. True! Improper removal can be as catastrophic. Let a professional handle it.

Therefore, the myths of a glueluss wigs should be put to rest. I have personally engaged with lace wigs since 2004, when they were not popular. So, when I see these new YouTube video I LOL. Remember we do not see what the units behavior is like after that flawless 15 minutes. Yet the videos are amazing, but lets be honest. Last but not least they are still wigs...